Several options are here to help you
help Centraide

There are a myriad of good reasons and multiple ways to get involved with Centraide. Whether you make a donation, launching a campaign, becoming a Philanthropic Development Associate, or volunteering in your community, your commitment is invaluable.  


Centraide offers several ways for you to donate, including personal donations, donations in memory or in honour of someone, planned donations, or donations made on behalf of your organization.

Launch a campaign in your organization

Several organizations in Greater Montreal open their doors to Centraide workplace campaigns. Why not launch one at yours?

Groupe de femmes en cuisine

Become a Philanthropic Development Associate

Philantropic Development Associates provide a strong boost to organizers of Centraide workplace campaigns. Could you become one?

Groupe de représentants délégués

Become a volunteer

The possibilities for volunteering with community agencies are endless. Choose a cause that is close to your heart. You will feel so good about it!

Groupe de bénévoles
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