
The Philanthropic Development Associate Program lets Centraide benefit from additional human resources without adding management costs. During the critical period of the annual campaign, the Philanthropic Development Associates work with the Centraide team to provide support and guidance to workplace fundraising campaign organizers. You can participate in two ways: loan an employee or provide a sponsorship.

What is a loaned Philanthropic Development Associate?

A Philanthropic Development Associate is an employee or retired staff member who is temporarily assigned to Centraide of Greater Montreal for professional development. The program runs for 15 weeks from September to December.

How to participate?

You can participate in this program by:

  • Lending a high-potential employee
  • Lending an employee who is interested in development opportunities
  • Lending an employee who wants a new challenge
  • Lending a retired employee who would like a unique experience

Benefits for the employer

  • Promote your social commitment at different workplaces and among your employees.
  • Work with Centraide to make Greater Montreal a fairer and stronger place.
  • Let employees hone their knowledge and develop practical skills (e.g. project management, diligent practices, public speaking, leadership, communication).
  • Let a retired staff member give visibility to your organization while enjoying a unique and meaningful retirement experience.
  • Help your employee acquire new skills that they can apply when they return to your organization (through over 40 hours of training and a coaching report).

Benefits for the employee or retired staff member

  • Develop diverse skills (e.g. problem solving, social media, storytelling, customer service) that can be applied to your professional and personal life.
  • Broaden your horizons by discovering Greater Montreal from a new perspective.
  • Discover the world of philanthropy through a unique collaborative experience with the Centraide team.
  • Interact with a variety of clients, from small to large organizations in all economic sectors as well as Centraide-supported agencies.

What is a sponsored Philanthropic Development Associate?

Organizations can offer $12,000 to sponsor a Philanthropic Development Associate so that Centraide can hire additional human resources without increasing its management costs.

How to participate?

  • Provide a sponsorship of $12,000 to Centraide, which will then recruit a Philanthropic Development Associate.
  • Provide a specific sponsorship of $12,000 to hire a retired staff member from your organization who would like to enjoy a unique experience. Centraide will then pay the salary for your retired employee.

Benefits for the employer

  • Promote your social commitment at different workplaces and among your employees.
  • Work with Centraide to make Greater Montreal a fairer and stronger place.
  • Allow a Philanthropic Development Associate to make your organization shine and have a unique experience.

Benefits for the sponsored Philanthropic Development Associate 

  • Develop diverse skills (e.g. problem solving, social media, storytelling, customer service) that can be applied to your professional and personal life.
  • Broaden your horizons by discovering Greater Montreal from a new perspective.
  • Discover the world of philanthropy through a unique collaborative experience with the Centraide team.

Would you like to participate in the Philanthropic Development Associate Program?

To participate in the Philanthropic Development Associate program, please complete the form by clicking on the button below.

(French only)

If you have any questions, you can write to us at this address :

The partners of the Philanthropic Development Associate Program in 2023

  • ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada
  • BMO Financial Group (2)
  • Bombardier
  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • CDPQ
  • Cogeco
  • Correctional Service of Canada
  • Fonds de Solidarité FTQ
  • Hydro-Québec
  • Intact
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada
  • RBC Royal Bank
  • Rogers Communications
  • TD Bank Group

The partners of the Philanthropic Development Associate Program in 2023

  • École des dirigeants | HEC Montréal
  • Hydro-Québec
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada
  • TD Bank Group
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