A vision founded on
values of
equity and social justice
Centraide strives to help create a strong and supportive community fabric for vulnerable people. This commitment is reflected in Centraide’s constant pursuit of equity both in the funds it allocates to different neighbourhoods and the support it provides to agencies based on diverse socioeconomic and demographic realities.
Territorial equity aims to guarantee fair access to resources for all people in vulnerable situations, no matter where they live. Historically, Centraide has concentrated its investments in Montreal’s central neighbourhoods that have great needs and more community stakeholders. However, neighbourhood realities have evolved and populations and needs have changed. Centraide must therefore aim to allocate its investments more equitably based on current neighbourhood conditions.
To clearly communicate its intentions, Centraide invited stakeholders in its network of supported community agencies to a first webinar on its Investment Strategy | Episode 1: Guidelines for Territorial Equity, which took place on March 27, 2024.
Territorial equity
- To better support areas where population groups are more at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
- To reduce inequalities between regions.
- Based on Statistics Canada census data on poverty and social exclusion.
- By systematically including territorial equity as a dimension in all investment analyses and decisions.
Upcoming webinars
May 2025 (date to be confirmed)
Investment Strategy | Episode 2: The agency assessment cycle
November 2025 (date to be confirmed)
Investment Strategy | Episode 3: Evaluation practices